woensdag 15 december 2010
dinsdag 14 december 2010
zaterdag 4 december 2010
a beautiful new dress for my daughter Anaïs...
Last week I bought a SUPER nice dress for my daughter Anais. The vintage goblin drawings are so sweet. The brand "something strange" designs handmade, unique, colorful and funny creations. Sometimes with a vintage key, and always with much love and attention to detail. definitely a site to visit!
wish boats Jurianne matter free download for 101woonideeën
Jurianne gained fame with her first draft in 2008: paper boats "your sail to any destination". Download the two free paper boats wich Jurianne Matter specially designed for 101woonideeën website
Jurianne verwierf bekendheid met haar eerste ontwerp in 2008: de papieren bootjes die, zoals op haar website staat ‘met je meevaren naar elke bestemming’ download hier de 2 gratis papieren wensbootjes die Jurianne Matter speciaal ontworpen heeft voor 101woonideeën website
donderdag 2 december 2010
DIY- free downloadable paper trees!
These are the little paper trees Jurianne Matter designed for you! Here is her free downloadable link to the prints with easy instructions.
English versionDutch one
It's her early Christmas present for you. Hope you enjoy it!
for other Jurianne Matter products look also at loulechien.com Jurianne Matter

voor nog andere Jurianne Matter ontwerpen en producten kijk hierEnglisch version
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